
Android Chess Game – Demo Product

$35.00 $4.99



Full Android Chess Game – AdMob Ready & Source Code & Copyrights

About the App :

This is a full custom two player chess game for android, AdMob ads ready. Never uploaded to google play store.  This is a professional project, respecting the programming standards and built with Object Oriented principles in mind.

ScreenShots :



Key features :

  • Built with full support for new generation devices and High compatibility with the older versions of android devices.
  • Light weight.
  • Quality Java code, easy to understand, customize and add new features.
  • No bugs nor patches. All tests included at app\src\test

How this app makes money :

There is 3 ways this app makes you money :

  1. There is an AdMob banner ad at the bottom of the main screen
  2. Before each game start, players watch a full screen video ads from adMob before they start to play.
  3. 2in5 times when players reset the chess board they will watch a full screen video ads from adMob.

Deploying the game :

Obviously, you need Android Studio to add your adMobs google unique IDs, then you can Release the signed APK

  1. Open the project with android studio
  2. use the left menu to navigate to  : app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml
  3. replace the banner_home_footer value with your own admob banner ID
    replace also interstitial_full_screen value with your own Interstital admob Id
  4. Release the APK
  5. upload APK to google play store, AppBrains or any other popular platforme


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